Committed to advocating the 2023 National Women’s Month, the Philippine Public Safety Academy (PPSA), in partnership with the Philippine Dental Association Laguna Chapter Inc., Calamba City Dental Club, and Sensodyne, conducted a Dental Health Awareness and Check-Up at NFSTI Compound, Camp Vicente Lim, Calamba, Laguna on March 16, 2023.
Dr. Beverly Bernadette Feniza, President of the Philippine Dental Association Laguna Chapter Inc. heartwarmingly expressed in her message that they share the same values with the PPSA – Courage, Integrity, and PASSION to SERVE. On the other hand, Dr. Sheryl Lantican, Executive Secretary of the Philippine Dental Association challenged the cadets to put oral health care on top of their priorities and to be the dentist in their home – the PPSA.
Advocacy materials on anti-smoking, anti-illegal dental practitioners, and the Impact of Oral Health Care, along with giveaways from Sensodyne, were distributed to the personnel of PPSA, NFSTI, NFTI, and PPSA Cadets.
Join us as we make gender equality possible through oral health care!