BJMP Skills Inventory Training

The pioneering batch of PPSA SANDIGMANLAYA Class 2024 successfully completed their weeklong BJMP Skills Inventory Training which includes Firearm Proficiency, TacMed, VIP Security Protection, Small Unit Tactics, Convoy and Escorting.
With the expertise of the BJMP National Capital Region’s STAR Team members, led by JSINSP JAMES PHILIP E CABE, STAR Team Leader, JO3 Jameson P Calos, JO2 Oral L Agustin, JO2 Elton N Cadiogan, and JO2 Richard Michael G Guinid, the Jail Cadets were able to recalibrate their skills on security and protection and exemplified their leadership in performing different course of fire. Fire Cadets were also able to experience the know-hows of using firearms and techniques in maneuvering especially in the aspect of VIP Security Protection.

Categories: PPSA

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